West coast sand and gravel
West coast sand and gravel

You learn how to back up a truck that most people cant. The other Drivers from other companies have respect for you in your green truck. Your check is always $2000 plus if your doing your job right. I can say a-lot more good things about West Coast. West Coast has a couple contracts that will keep them busy. Just do your job and you can have a healthy check with a healthy retirement. Noone is every yelling at you or trying to tell you to do your job. Thats a Major Major Pro! There is no pressure from dispatch. If you cant do that! you’ll never have any problems! Make sure its the tight material and the right customer. Just be safe and get the load to where its supposed to be. Hit up another driver and ask if they have been their before. Check your phone and see what it looks like. Check the Garmin and see where your going. Show up about 10 minutes before its time to clock in. They have good mechanics that know what they are doing. They have contracts with a couple companies that keep them busy even on the slow days. If you apply to west coast and just do your job. If you do what you are supposed to do you will have no problems. They have mastered the art of networking. West Coast has been around for a long time. If the higher-ups can afford to take management and their spouses out on weekend retreats, they can certainly afford to give veterans a nice dinner once a year. Veterans definitely deserve more than donuts. Also, they claim to hold their veteran workers in high esteem but they only got donuts on Veteran's Day every year. This is a predominantly white workplace, so take that into consideration before applying if you value true diversity. This is a company that espouses Christian tenets but does not uphold them in their own day-to-day behavior. This question will come up as a random, friendly get-to-know-you question but I think this is actually illegal. There are subtle micro-aggressions towards those of different faiths that you will see from time to time, such as raised eyebrows if they ask you where you go to church and you tell them a different denomination. However, they will treat people of outside faiths differently so be careful what you say. They even give you a Bible after signing hiring papers and orientation. Furthermore, this is a Christian friendly office so you are allowed to talk about God freely.

west coast sand and gravel

Also, the girls in the office gossip as if it's a form of bonding which is highly toxic. The owners can even fire me but they won't because I'm their friend." Good luck getting any nefarious or hostile behaviors reported to HR because they are family friends as well. I once had a department manager tell me, "I can fire anyone I want. I know outside hires (non-family and non-friends) who have worked there for over a decade and they still are in the same position with low pay except now they have more responsibilities tacked on over the years. It is evident in both the salaries and job titles for family members and friends. This is a family owned company and will treat their own better than an outside hire. Also, DO NOT expect a progressive career out of this place if you are NOT a family member or family friend. These raises are so small that they are actually cost of living adjustments disguised as raises. There is a huge difference between a living wage and a "you should be grateful to have a job/something is better than nothing" wage. In my interview, I was told there was a lot of opportunity for growth but in reality this was for family members only. Do not work here if you have any college degrees because they will not pay you well at all.

West coast sand and gravel